August 6, 2019

Image result for picture of a wolf


Following his plea for the elders to keep a vigilant watch over God’s blood-bought flock, Paul fuels the fire of his exhortation. He explains the chief fear that motivates his concerns: (Acts 20:29-31).

Fierce Wolves Are Coming

“I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” (v. 29)

Paul knew the enemy so well that he could say, “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” There was no question about it. It was going to happen. Since the local church is figuratively called a flock, it follows that its enemies are “wolves,” the proverbial predators of sheep. The wolves Paul speaks about are false teachers who stalk the flock. They are called “fierce wolves,”

A pack of large, fierce wolves who will not spare the flock from destruction.

They are strong and cunning.

They are persistent, and they come from every side.

They are insatiable and merciless in their appetite for devouring Christians.

Their presence can only bring death, confusion, and destruction. Paul says “they will not spare the flock.” They do not care for God’s flock, they care only for themselves and their perverse teaching. They are self-deceived teachers. They are self-appointed, not God-appointed. They are agents of Satan, not God. Both the Old and New Testament give us clear characteristics and identity markers of what these people are like. You can see this in the book of Jeremiah, Jude, 2 Peter, and the gospels. No one was more fierce on attacking these teachers than Jesus Christ.

Paul’s presence was a powerful force against the “savage wolves” of false doctrine (Acts 15:1). He fought tirelessly against the infiltration of false teachers. His whole life was spent in defense of the gospel (Phil. 1:7).

When it came to the truth of the gospel, Paul would not budge for anyone (Gal. 2:5).

His most scathing anathema fell on those who attempted to add to Christ’s gospel (Gal. 1:7-9).

For three years, Paul had thoroughly proclaimed and defended the gospel in Ephesus, and his departure marked a crucial moment for the church in Ephesus. Now that he was gone, it was the Ephesian elders’ duty to protect the flock of God.

Peter says the same things Paul says:

2 Peter 2:1 – “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.”

False Teachers from within the Flock

Acts 20:30 – “And from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.”

Paul goes on to predict something even more subtle and frightening than wolves; he warns that false teachers will arise from within the congregation! Not only will wolves come in to destroy the flock, men from within God’s flock–professing Christians–will emerge as false teachers.

Twisted Things

Such men expose themselves by teaching “twisted things.” “Its result stands in contrast to something that is straight and true.” (Dave Peterson) Paul means that they will teach perversions of God’s holy truth–twisted, distorted, heretical doctrine. They will not out-and-out deny the truth of God’s Word, for that would be too obvious and ineffective for Satan’s purposes. Instead, they will pervert truth. As masters of subtlety and novelty, they will mix truth with error, reinterpret the truth, and change the meaning of words to give the illusion of truth.

To Draw in Disciples after Them

Such false teachers want followers, so they seek “to draw away the disciples after them.” “The threat is of teaching that takes one off the straight path and draws disciples away from God’s direction and leading. This verb means ‘draw away from a place.’ The image is of pulling someone in a direction that the person should not go or of leaving a former location.” (Dave Peterson) They try to tear Christians away from the flock and its Spirit-placed overseers (Gal. 4:17). They care nothing for the church’s unity or safety. They care only for themselves. How different they are from Christ’s true servants who “preach…Christ Jesus as Lord” and consider themselves as the “bond-servants” of His people (2 Cor. 4:5).

Be Alert

Paul’s solution to the ominous threat of false teachers is: “Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.” (v. 31) The word “alert” is from the Greek word gregoreo, which literally means “keep awake” or “not sleep” (Matt. 26:38; Luke 12:37). It is most often used figuratively in the New Testament to mean “be watchful,” “be vigilant,” “stay awake and ready for action.” In this instance it is a present tense, imperative verb of command that means, “keep on being alert and ready for action.” It implies a conscientious effort, a mental and spiritual attitude of alertness.

The verb “alert” fits well the pastoral imagery of Paul’s exhortation. A good shepherd is always alert to danger. He is not caught unaware. He is vigilant and ready to act in order to protect the sheep.

Paul’s Personal Example of Vigilance

To strengthen and clarify his exhortation to be alert, Paul calls upon the elders to remember his example: “remembering that for three years I did not cease night and day to admonish everyone with tears.” He is saying that his own life is a study of pastoral vigilance in action. In fact, the greater portion of Paul’s speech to the elders is a rehearsal and defense of his personal example while in Ephesus. David Gooding comments:

“Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders is remarkable for this, that his exhortation to defend the church of God occupies scarcely more than four verses; but the model he offers of how the defense should be conducted occupies at least thirteen. The model he offers is of course himself and his behaviour towards the church during the years he was with them.” (David Gooding)1


Paul’s vigilant protection of the flock entailed a ministry of admonition (noutheteo), which means “to warn,” “advise,” or “counsel.” To admonish is to exert a corrective influence in a positive, caring way. According to Kittel’s dictionary, “The basic idea is that of the well-meaning earnestness with which one seeks to influence the mind and disposition by appropriate instruction, exhortation, warning and correction.”2 In the present context, admonishing involves instructing believers about the persistent, dangerous attacks of false teachers and the human tendency to become inattentive to this danger.

Paul’s admonitions started when he first arrived in Ephesus. He didn’t wait until his departure to warn about the sure dangers of false teachers. He admonished them “night and day” for a period of three years.


Paul used every contact with them–not just official occasions–for admonition. Furthermore, “tears” filled Paul’s admonitions because the damage done by false teachers caused him much heartache: “For many walk, of whom I often told you, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ” (Phil. 3:18).


Finally, Paul’s admonition was inclusive. He never ceased “to admonish each one.” His eye was on every single sheep. Oh, that elders today might warn and equip each saint with such thoroughness and devotion!


The reason for being alert is not just to be informed, but to act. Both imperative commands, “pay careful attention” (v. 28) and “be alert” (v. 32), imply action. A good shepherd is never passive. He knows the necessity for acting quickly and decisively in the face of danger. He knows when he must fight and when he must stand his ground. To be aware of danger and not to act is to be a lazy, cowardly shepherd who betrays the flock.

The Ephesian elders should at all cost stop these false teachers. They are in the words of David Peterson, “Guardians of the tradition of the apostles.” They are to be faithful in guarding the gospel and guarding the community. They should be prepared to die for the truth, to sacrifice themselves.

This will mean lots of work. It will mean agonizing study, confronting of false doctrines. This is actually scary work. Two years ago, several of us elders confronted a false teacher who had stolen one of our sheep. I can assure you, it was not a pleasant confrontation. Like tough old weeds, they do not give up or come out easily. They will fight you. They will twist words and ideas so that by the time you are done, you are as confused as they are. Behind them is Satan and the “doctrine of demons” (1 Tim. 4:1). They are fighters. They are double talkers. Sometimes they have great personalities, and they are very intelligent, more intelligent than we are.

Because of this, many people will not stand up to false teachers. They’d rather ignore them, run from them, wish they weren’t there. In our own city, in a large church, the pastor was teaching false doctrine. One of my friends confronted him repeatedly, but very few people would stand with him. Everyone was afraid. Finally, after years of being pounded with seriously defective doctrine, it was the exodus of many people that finally got the elders to act. So this is scary business. It is life and death issues.

Let us take Paul’s example as a courageous warrior and shepherd who gave his life to fight for the sheep and to stand against wolves.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for salvation for: Jerry M, Rhonda F, Norma Perales and her husband Rick and their adult son Rick Jr.

Pray for Jennifer, met her today, she was badly hurt by someone in the church and hasn’t been to church in 10 years.

Pray for John, says he’s a Christian but has some very strange ideas of what that really means.

Pray for Salvation for Linda g, Barbara d, Mona R, and for Cristina and her Husband Oscar that is getting involved in witchcraft.

step 5

August 5, 2019

Yield_Sign_in_New_HampshireSTEP FIVE

Admitted to God, and to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature
of our wrongs.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may
be healed. J
AMES 5:16

In step four we completed an inventory of our strengths and weaknesses, the
things we’ve been in denial about. We do an honest and searching inventory of
our mental, emotional, spiritual, physical wants, needs and addictions, poor
behaviors, coping mechanisms, relations and most importantly how we hurt

Now in step 5 we prayerfully ask God to give us someone we can fully and
completely share that inventory. A daunting task, and we usually choke, fearful that when we tell someone we will be rejected, ridiculed or scorned. Because of that when we first tell someone we either go for shock value or we water it down so we don’t look so bad.

Honesty, openness, boldness, all the things we need to pray about and that we
are 100% open with whom we share. The problem is this inventory caused shame,
anger, resentment and depression; and now we are vulnerable and we are
supposed to trust someone with all this vital information.

The hurdle here is our pride, it’s bad enough we carry all this around inside us.

First share this list with God, if we have a poor concept of God most of us will
expect judgment or rejection from God. That’s why I tell people during this
phase to read only the ‘happy’ parts of the bible; it’s to easy to heap judgment on
ourselves and only see the judgment part of the bible and not the blessings.

Remember in telling someone you are not asking for advice, you are only asking
someone to listen.

Make sure you share the positives as well as the negatives. Congratulate yourself
on having the courage to make this step. The other person you tell this to should
be a mature Christian, with a grateful spirit and qualities you admire in someone. I recommend you pick someone of the same gender.

Telling someone all this should be a cleansing experience and you’ll be surprised once you start how much will come out; like a dam bursting. Make sure the time and place is appropriate.

I know it seems daunting but it will be worth it, take the step. We are all praying
you find the right person to share with.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Speaking of prayer, prayer requests at scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Or questions, comments, etc.

Keep praying for my wife Sharon please, she had several spinal shots today, even though she had more shots than the last time, she is not in quite so much pain, as the doctor added some pain medicine in the shots. And also prayer works.

This is also very tough on my wife as she is almost never sick, so being physically dependent and in pain is causing some problems as well. But she is the toughest person I know. She could make a few Navy Seals cry, trust me on that.


July 7, 2019

sugar coating

I was brought into a church to give a week long discourse about the subject of sex. Not during the regular Sunday service but at a special class that would start and end with the adult Sunday school class and every evening at 630pm.

Everyone signed an acknowledgement that this would be a biblical, but frank discussion and that I had over 25 years experience as a sex therapist. And that people could write down questions, any questions and leave them in a box that sat near the coffee table or they could email me.

The 3rd session I was asked to cease coming to the church and the pastor was under review to see if he would continue as pastor. The pastor said I was not stopping and unless the board fired him they were going to continue the classes.

Attendance went up, and at the end of the week the church asked me to present the same material to their college age class.

So what happened?

Turns out a few people didn’t believe the church had the right to tell them what was right or wrong about sex and their behavior in the bedroom.

You will have to agree that sex is a subject frequently addressed in the Scriptures, both Old Testament and New. Though the Bible handles this subject matter much differently than the secular world, it does have much to say on the subject. I can only think of one reason for matters pertaining to sex to be so frequently discussed in the Bible—sexuality must be very closely related to spirituality.

Proverbs 5:15-19 Drink water from your own cistern, And fresh water from your own well. 16 Should your springs be dispersed abroad, Streams of water in the streets? 17 Let them be yours alone, And not for strangers with you. 18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love (Proverbs 5:15-19).

This was one of the bible passages that riled up some folks. Wow, Christians enjoying sex with their own wives, what a novel idea.

n the Bible, marriage is viewed as the norm, and the single life as the exception. Marriage is viewed as holy, righteous, and good. Those who seek to prohibit marriage as something evil are identified as false teachers by Paul (1 Timothy 4:1-5). When we approach 1 Corinthians 7, we must do so confident that marriage is a good gift from God, a gift many Christians gratefully receive and enjoy.

Singleness for a life time is considered a calling and a carefully thought out choice.

Staying single (and thus sexually inactive) may be the calling of some. If it is your calling, it is for the glory of God and for the promotion of the gospel. But the single life and sexual abstinence is not the rule but the exception.

Our sex life as a Christian is supposed to follow God given boundaries and bring honor to Him, ourselves and our spouses.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for Patty S, her husband Gus, just passed away.

Pray for Tom L, needs salvation and a lawyer, his wife of 33 years finally reported him for physical abuse.

Remember our salvation list.

Remember little Daniel, our 5 year old friend fighting Leukemia

Pray for Caliste and Stephanie, both are going in for MRI’s this week to see what their brain tumors are or are not doing.

Remember pastor Paul, strength and encouragement and the VA is still saying the 2 cysts on his pancreas don’t appear to be doing anything.

arm asphalt blur close up

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

“The Spirit of truth takes of what is Mine and will make it known to you” (John 16:15).

  Fruitful service results from growth, not works. All sharing must be motivated and governed by life: “the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:2).

  “The Holy Spirit came to reproduce the Lord Jesus in the lives of men and women. The Church is that or it is nothing; the teaching relates to that, or it has no meaning. Any movement of the Spirit is in that direction, or we have entirely misunderstood. He came to conform us to the image of the Son; everything has to be tested by that.

 All our activities and efforts and energies and expenditures; all our sacrifices, our movements and our teaching: everything that has become a part of ‘Christianity’ has to be measured by the one rule—is it resulting in the reproduction of the Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of men and women, so that it is demonstrated from heaven that He is as truly here in this world now as ever He was in history?

  “It is a mistake to measure spiritual maturity merely by the presence of gifts. They may be present and they may be valuable, but the Spirit’s object is something far greater—to form the Lord Jesus Christ in us through the work of the Cross. It is not merely that a man does certain things or speaks certain words, but that he is a certain kind of man. In the long run it is what we are, and not simply what we say or do—and the difference lies in the formation of the Lord Jesus within.”

  “The Father first uses the active talents of His servants; then He polishes the other side of the stone, making the passive graces shine—patience, meekness, etc.”

  “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” (Gal. 4:19).

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for Emily, picked her up hitchhiking, not something I usually do. As soon as she got into my truck she asked if I was a Christian. When I told her yes, she said thank God and started crying. Seems like an online date had gone bad and he had tried to ‘roofy’ her and take her out in the woods. She faked drinking the water and ran off. I took her to the police station where she pressed charges and the cops went after him. I waited with her till her dad showed up and he drove her back to Dallas.

When I got home and told my wife about it she asked what time did this happen, I  said right at 3pm. She said she was taking a nap and just woke up right at 3pm and started praying that I would stop and help someone.

I hardly ever pick up a hitchhiker, but having hitchhiked all through Alaska, Canada, the US and Mexico to Panama, I can tell you some stories. Don’t advise it today though. But this time it had to be of God.


March 24, 2019

thank you text on black and brown board

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

“But now in Christ Jesus ye who once were far off are made near by the Blood of Christ” (Eph. 2:13).

  To know the Lord Jesus is to love Him; and to love Him is to insist on being with Him; to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).

Every blessing is now connected with the Lord Jesus at the right hand of the Father. ‘Hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ’ (Eph. 1:3). It is a great thing to have the consciousness that we are bound up with Him there in heavenly glory, and to know that we are with Him in that sphere of ascension to participate in all that constitutes His life in that blessed circle of love and glory where He lives with the Father. If we apprehend this we shall not be deceived and intoxicated by what goes on upon the earth.

His death, resurrection and ascension translated the believer to be by His side spiritually and we are to realize that being at His side translates us to the presence of God, so that as He is so are we in this world; and according as we are at full rest about ourselves, we are to be occupied with Him who has set us free for fellowship.

  “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19)

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for Gwen, financial help.

Remember to pray for those that treat you unfairly, Vengeance is the Lord’s not ours.

Pray for Caliste Burt, if everything goes all right her surgery will be this week, the final brain tumor removed. Pray also for the surgeon.

Remember Olivia, that she carries to full term and that she and the baby will be ok.

Pray for Steve H and the hunt for a great pastor.

Remember Bill Warneke, chronic pain, and depression.

Remember Norma Perales, her husband Rick Sr. and their son Rick Jr. all in need of salvation.

thinking over feeling

“You were set free from the tyranny of sin” (Rom. 6:18).

  There is no use in forcing any spiritual issue in our lives, nor in anyone else’s. When our Father has us prepared for progress through the knowledge of His facts, we will believe; we will reckon upon and rest in the required truth.

What is the secret of reckoning? We need revelation from the Word of God (Matt. 16:17; Eph. 1:17, 18). We need to have our eyes opened to the fact of our union with the Lord Jesus. Most of us can remember the day when we saw clearly that He died for us, and we ought to be equally clear as to the time when we saw that we died with Him. It is not that I reckon myself to be dead, and therefore I will be dead. It is that, because I died—therefore I reckon myself to have died. It is not reckoning toward death, but from death.

There is no need talking about victorious Christian living unless we are willing to face the fact that as believers, we are out of our element here in this world. We are living in enemy territory. Believers may be in bondage because of deception or ignorance of the full scope of their inheritance in the Lord Jesus, or because they have not, according to Romans 6:11, reckoned themselves dead to sin and alive unto God in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Through grace ‘the old man’ was nailed to the Cross and buried in the tomb; through faith the old man will be kept there. Continuously reckon yourself to be totally severed from all that belongs to the old man and all that pertains to the old sphere, and faith will eventuate into experience.

  “The Sixth of Romans is not an aspect of truth, but the foundation truth upon which every believer must stand if he is to grow and mature in the ‘not I, but Christ’ life.”

  “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering” (Heb. 10:23).

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for Pat Little, tomorrow (Wednesday) she is having surgery to pull down her stomach (literally) it has moved up and is causing all sorts of problems. (this is a first for prayer requests in 40 years).

Remember Olivia, carry to full term and mother and baby are ok (April). There are several medications she has to take for a life-threatening illness. It was a miracle she got pregnant and now to carry to full term is also miraculous.

Pray for Steve H, a hunt for a great pastor.

Pray for Andy O, that he will not act out.

My back is almost better, appreciate the prayers.

Remember Caliste Burt, brain surgery coming up soon.

John Branton, prostate surgery coming up.

Remember Sherrie in prayer, 33 days of sobriety.

Pray for Gwen, finances.


February 17, 2019





Ok, I think I’m pretty shock proof.

After all I’ve been a psychologist for over 35 years. I counseled sex addicts for 15 years. 10 years as a prison chaplain, counseling violent repeat sex offenders, baby rapists, sadists, masochists, wife beaters, husband beaters. Golden showers, trannies, cross dressers. If it’s related to sex, I think I’ve seen it. You may have heard stories about the coke bottle, I’ve seen the coke bottle.

My personal opinion forget MMA or Ultimate fighting championship. Just put them all in general population with their crime tattooed on their forehead and let it get settled that way. No parole, no time off for good behavior. If you find out your husband has been putting Mr. Pokey up one of your kids butt, the wife gets 5 practice shots with a baseball bat before stepping up to a nine iron for the final t-off.

One reason I like the KJV of the bible is it gets it right on the head; “Reprobate” unredeemable. Lost forever, can’t come to Jesus, NKJV, a darkened mind, the tense of the word means permanent. Once you do that kind of deed you have stained your soul. You have crossed over to the dark side and you can’t come back. And worse if you were going to church and singing in the choir. Someone bring a noose.

The Apostle Paul says there are things so bad, so dark, so shameful, that it shouldn’t even be talked about. And believe me the list above is mild, Mr. Rogers mild to the truth of what pervs do.

Well those days are gone, now they go on Oprah and talk about their changed life. That is just one Satanist talking to another Satanist. (yes I do mean Oprah).

So what set me off today, this week’s issue of the Weekly Magazine. 2 page article on how to pimp out your kid for cash on the internet. Selling your cute little kids picture on the internet. 100k hits you get $5000 bucks, 500k hits you get 10 to 15k. and if you get a million hits, $100,000.00 dollars. Oh and I forgot to tell you that’s just for one picture, just one.

And if they are twins, double your bucks.

One lady said she’ll make more money when her twin girls are old enough to follow verbal directions because then the pictures will be cuter and bring more money.

One mother was F’n stupid enough to say she is careful to not let the pictures fall into the hands of pedophiles by her doing “due diligence” and not letting anyone “like” there pages if they don’t include an actual face on their own facebook page.

Oh, yeah and she takes an extra precaution and tries to have her twin girls have sunglasses in the pictures because she knows pedophiles fall in love through the child’s eyes. Honest to goodness, if I had that mother in front of me, I’d do a lobotomy with a chain saw.

The most precious gift God can give a husband and wife and you will pimp out their picture for cash. I guess everyone forgot JonBenet Ramsey.

In case you haven’t caught on right now I’m am thoroughly disgusted. God will have to say I’m sorry to Sodom and Gomorrah if He doesn’t reign down a plague on us. Oh, yeah and one of the websites is called “God and beauty” (>0u09eodu9ujsn9) that’s the sound of me puking.

These parents have no idea what turns a pedophile’s jets on. And it ain’t the eyes mom. The cuter they are, the nicer the outfits are and add twins. It’s a sicko’s wet dream.

But hey, Child Services isn’t going to do a damn thing about it. Because the parents are doing everything in good taste and not posting where they live. I guess hackers can’t track down your IP address either, you morons.

Ok, I’m about to have a stroke.

God please forgive us our sins and have mercy upon the USA for the evil we have become, not wonder the Muslims call us the great Satan. What a bunch of screwed up pervs and money hungry A$$wipes these parents are.

Ok, I’m stopping.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

And yes, I’m am grouping these parents with all the pervs mentioned in the beginning of this post.

Ok, I’m stopping.

Remember our prayer list, I’m not posting the names with this devotional because I feel it would be a disservice to these godly people that need our prayers.


January 31, 2019

sugar coating

  “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me” (John 15:4).

  A barren life means barren service, and no amount of self-effort will ever make up for that!

  “‘Not I, but Christ.’ The Lord Jesus does not ask that we should work for Him, but He intends to work through us. There is all the difference in the world between the two. In the one I plan and then ask His blessing upon it; in the other He plans and lets me into the secret of His glorious purpose. The one ends in futility and disappointment; the other in life, progress, and joy.

In the one I slave and work worthily for Him, and constantly feel the barrenness of a busy life; in the other I let His life flow through me in all His glorious effortlessness, and rest in the assurance that the Lord Jesus at work cannot fail. The one is a life of endeavor, always being keyed up to do something greater; the other a life of faith always looking to the Lord Jesus to reveal the next step and then give the enablement to carry it out.

 The great question is not what you are doing, how successful you are, how great are your crowds, how impressive your work—but the question is, by what power are you doing it? It is difficult to attend any large religious gathering without perceiving the governing influence, consciously or unconsciously, of the psychological—which is of the human. Many apparently successful ‘revival’ meetings have much more in them of psychology than Spirit. Large numbers of seekers are brought to the altar by human soul-power rather than by the power of the Holy Spirit. And this accounts for the large number of so-called backsliders and ‘repeaters’ at the altar.

  “Without Me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Pray for Caliste Burt, upcoming brain surgery, with some major complications that has moved out the surgery date.

Bill Warneke, chronic pain and depression

Steve H, and the hunt for a new pastor.

Pray for me as I go for more testing and CT scan Friday

Remember Sherrie, needs to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting about her lifestyle

Pray for Charlie S, work stress


January 17, 2019

hand sign

Finally, we must understand that we are not fighting to win the battle against lust. The battle has already been won by Christ. We are trying to walk in the victory that Christ already accomplished. This is important to understand because one of Satan’s greatest tactics is lying. After a failure, he tells a believer many lies: it is impossible to be free from lust and that he or she will never be a man of God or woman of God.

By accepting lies, we get caught in Satan’s trap, and it’s easy to become discouraged, defeated, and bound. Jesus said this in John 8:34-36:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Christ set us free from slavery to sin, and we must understand and appropriate this to walk in victory. Romans 6:6 says, “For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.”

On the cross, Christ did not just pay for our sins; He also broke the power of sin. He took our sin nature and crucified it so we no longer would be slaves to it. Yes, we can still submit to our sin nature, but we no longer have to because the power of sin has been broken. Like God delivering the Israelites, he not only took them out of Egypt but destroyed the power of Egypt in the Red Sea. Our deliverer, Christ, did no less. We are no longer slaves to sin. However, like Israel, we can still choose to return to Egypt.

How can we walk in this victory? In Romans 6:11, Paul says, “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” The word “count” is an accounting term. This means the debt has been paid, and we are no longer responsible for it. In the same way, Paul says that we are no longer slaves of sin—including our lusts. We owe it no allegiance, and we don’t have to obey its cravings. However, we must mentally accept this reality instead of accepting the lies of the devil and our flesh.

Therefore, when Satan tempts us or makes us feel like we have to fall or that we can’t get back up after falling, we must recognize that it’s all a lie. It’s not true! Christ set us free from sin and now we are slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:18). Our allegiance is now to God.

In my spiritual youth, I didn’t fully understand Christ’s work on the cross and the extent of what he had done for me. Therefore, I often fought without hope. But now, I fight because the victory has already been won—which gives me great confidence. Christ already defeated Satan and my lust (cf. Col 2:13-15). But, I must reckon this as true (Rom 6:11).

This theological reality is important for many reasons. (1) It means if we stumble, we can get back up. We don’t have to accept the lies and condemnation of the devil. Proverbs says the righteous falls seven times and gets back up (Prov 24:16). That’s what separates the righteous from the ungodly. They will not stay down. If you have failed in the past, if you failed today, you can start over now because you died to sin with Christ on the cross. Sin no longer identifies you—your identity is in Christ.

(2) But this doctrine is also essential in maintaining our victory. We are no longer slaves of sin but slaves to righteousness. My debt and allegiance is to God. So, I must strive to use the members of my body as instruments of righteousness leading to holiness (Rom 6:13, 19). First Corinthians 6:19-20 says it this way:

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

We have been bought with a price and are now slaves of God. Therefore, we must faithfully serve God in purity and holiness.

We see the importance of this doctrine in Augustine’s walk with God after his conversion. Before Augustine became a Christian, he was very promiscuous. However, at his conversion, everything changed. One day, he ran into a former fling. When he saw her, he turned and ran in the other direction. The lady saw him and was confused. She yelled, “My love! My love! Where are you going? It is I!” He replied, “I know! But it is not I anymore!” and he continued to run away. Augustine recognized this reality—he was not the same. He had been crucified with Christ and he no longer lived—Christ lived within him (Gal 2:20). He was no longer a slave of sin but now a slave of righteousness.

We similarly must reckon this a reality if we are going to walk in victory over lust. We must declare our victory in Christ and walk in it.

Have you declared victory? Or have you declared failure—that you can’t win or be free from bondage to lust? If that is you, then you have believed Satan’s lie instead of Christ’s truth. He who the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36). Christ has set you free. Declare your victory and fight to walk in it. Don’t give up until your life represents your position in Christ—free from bondage to sin to serve God.


How did Christ break the power of sin over our lives? Why is understanding this reality—our new identity in Christ—so important to walking in victory?

In what ways have you experienced the lies and condemnation of Satan in regards to battling lust?

How should we count or reckon our death to lust and freedom from its slavery a reality as Paul teaches (Rom 6:11)?

What are the primary strategies from God’s Battle Plan for Purity that you feel pressed to implement in your life and/or in mentoring others?

What other questions or thoughts do you have about this section?

In what ways can you pray in response? Take a second to pray as the Lord leads.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Praise from Caliste Burt, the surgery went well, they are now waiting to see how she heals up and some swelling goes down.

Pray for Cindy K. just became a believer, living on and off the streets. A nice Christian family has taken her in. what’s remarkable is she said she knew her grandmother was always praying for her and it stopped her from crossing a line.

Bill Warneke, says thanks for praying, he’s still resisting counseling. Chronic pain and depression.

Carl I, going away for college soon. Young Christian, first time away from home, asks that he will stay the course.

Continue to pray for Steve H, and the church finding the right pastor.


January 14, 2019

Senior Couple At Home


Since we consider the Bible to relevant, and God’s inspired word, than we consider the instructions and principles to be applied to how we live today.

Consider what Paul said to Timothy, a young single pastor in Ephesus:

Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

1 Timothy 5:1-2

Essentially, Paul says that outside of marriage, one’s interactions with the opposite sex should look like a natural brother and sister relationship. In fact, he says it should be identified by “absolute purity.”

Again, most Christian dating relationships follow the pattern of the world. When I was a student, they called it first-base, second-base, third-base, and home. Couples went from holding hands, to kissing, to heavy petting, to sex. Now days it sex on the first date.

However, Scripture presents a very different picture—a familial one. A dating relationship, in many ways, should resemble a sibling relationship. We have forgotten a great principle, dating should be like being with a family person. Friendship, companionship, nothing crossing a boundary.

Once the boundaries of Scripture have been eclipsed, it is often like a slippery slope. First it’s OK to hold hands, then it’s OK to kiss, then it’s OK to cuddle and touch one another, then it’s OK to have sex because eventually you’re going to get married anyway—one reasons. This is a pathway to destruction.

I always encourage couples to declare their boundaries when initially considering dating someone. If that person is not willing to keep those boundaries, then move on. It is a lot harder to pull somebody up, than to pull somebody down. In dating and courtship, it’s important to be equally yoked, especially when it comes to purity.

A Warning about Clothing

In guarding your brother or sister, one of the things that must be considered is clothing. This is especially true for a woman since her body is more alluring than a man’s. That is why in many cultures, it is socially acceptable for a man to have his shirt off and not a woman. It seems that God made the woman’s body that way—it is the more delicate vessel (1 Peter 3:7). Also, this is especially important for women because men are typically more visually stimulated, while women are more emotionally stimulated.

In 1 Timothy 2:9-10, Paul said,

I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

This means that a Christian woman should avoid extremes in her clothing. She should not be known for dressing haggardly nor with expensive clothing, as is so common amongst the world. Peter, similarly, said this:

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

1 Peter 3:3-4

However, this modesty, especially, applies to provocative dress, which can cause others to stumble. It will be very hard for a woman to avoid provocative clothing, as Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31), which includes the fashion industry. Sex drives the fashion industry. Shorts and skirts continue to get shorter, tops reveal more cleavage, and pants are tighter. For a woman to dress modestly, she will have to go against the flow and be very strategic and particular in her purchases.

Dressing modestly is important to maintain purity and to protect a dating relationship. As a female, you don’t want to open the door for the enemy into your courtship. Also, you don’t want a man who is primarily attracted to you because of your figure. Solomon’s mother said “charm” or “form” is deceitful, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Prov 31:30). You should want a man who is primarily attracted to you because of your love and obedience to the Lord, which includes modesty. Be careful of your clothing, as it can be a stumbling block to your brothers, and it will make it harder to stay pure in a courting relationship.

With that said, this is also true for men. Men need to consider their clothing in order to not be a stumbling block to their sisters. Men should be careful of wearing t-shirts that are 3X too small and pants or shirts that are also to tight.

How is your clothing? Could it potentially be a stumbling block to others?

If you are going to win the battle for purity, you must guard members of the opposite sex by treating them as brothers and sisters with all purity and being modest in your dress.


What are the common sexual practices of the world in regards to dating/courting?

Do you know the difference between dating and courting?

What type of Christian instruction did you receive in regards to one’s conduct in dating/courtship relationships? What did that instruction include?

How would you apply Paul’s exhortation to treat younger members of the opposite sex as siblings with absolute purity to dating/courting relationships (1 Tim 5:2)?

Do you feel as though Christian brothers and sisters often model the clothing standards of the world in regards to immodesty? How can we better hold one another accountable in regards to dress?

What other questions or thoughts do you have about this section?

In what ways can you pray in response? Take a second to pray as the Lord leads.

God bless from scumlikeuschurch@gmail.com

Please remember Caliste Burt, her brain surgery is this week.

Bill Warneke, we will be checking up on him this week, chronic pain and depression.

The Perales family, mom, dad and son, all need salvation.

Thank you for your prayers for me I am feeling much better.