casting down

July 26, 2014










God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, this one God—is the only being who has no beginning, and therefore everything else and everyone else is dependent on him for existence and for value and is, therefore, less valuable than God.




Wow, there’s a slap of reality, you have less value than God, as he is chief and central to everything. Creation couldn’t exist without him, you wouldn’t be here, so ergo, He’s first on the most important list.




Take a moment and realize how that should change everything you do, it should change the way you worship, or pray or read your bible.




It is true that we have been made his children, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17). But we will never treasure that truth the way we should until we tremble at this one.



God bless from



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